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3 A Unit 7 Would you like a pie ? (Story time )
发布时间:2014-10-19   点击:   来源:本站原创   录入者:吴洪娣

 3 A Unit 7 Would you like a pie ? (Story time )

                         常州市武进区湖塘桥实验小学     吴洪娣


1.能听懂、会说、会拼读单词a cake, a pie, a sweet, a hot dog

2.能初步听懂、会说并且会读Would you like…?/What about…?以及答语Yes, please.No , thank you.明白如何征询别人的意见

3. 能初步听懂、会说并且会读Nice to meet you.,并且明白回答是Nice to meet you, too.


1.能听懂、会说、会读单词a cake, a piea sweet, a hot dog

2.能初步听懂、会说并且会读Would you like…?/What about…?以及应答语Yes, please.No , thank you





Step1: Warm , show and lead-in time

1.      Enjoy some songs:

Eg: Picnic

What would you like for dinner tonight?

2.      Show the learning goals

AI can understand, read and act the story.

BI can say some words about food.

CI can offer people food in English.

If you can reach the goals, you can get a big surprise after class, so now it’s a

secret, let’s look forward it.

3.  Show time

  T: As usual, before our new lesson it’s your show time, Look, this is Mike’s family, who can be Mike and introduce his family, you try your best, you can get a present.


  SA: Hello ,I’m Mike ,this is my family, look, this is my father, he’s smart, this is my mother, she’s nice, this is my grandma, she’s kind, this is my grandpa, he’s great,   this is Tim, he’s my brother, he’s naughty, this is Helen ,she’s my sister, she’s cute, we all live together, we all love one another, we’re happy together, I love my family ,how about you?

  T: OK. You did a very good job, lookhere’re so many food, you can get one as your present, what would you like? Would you like a pie?(贴示课题)


Step2 Presentation

1Word time

T: OK, this pie is for you. SA chose a pie, pie is a kind of food, here’re some other food, let’s learn them together, look, it’s a cake. But a letter is missing, which letter is missing?(c _ k e)


T: How about this one?

Ss try to read it.

T: It’s a sweet, ee is pronounced /i:/,can you read the words like this?

  (bee, see, meet, feet)

Ss try to read them.

T: OK, we have learned pie, cake and sweet, what’s the last one? Let’s have a look, oh ,a hot dog,

TLet’s watch a rhyme about food,

   Eg: A cake , a pie ,I can see.

      A cake , a pie, for you and me.

T: Let’s say the rhyme together.

Ss say the rhyme together.

T: You can choose your favourite food to make a rhyme, work in 2.

Ss work in 2.

2Game time

T: We have learned four words about food , so now we can play a game about food, we have 2 rules, NO.1 is if you see the words about food, please read them quickly and say “Yummy”,NO.2 is if you see the pictures of children, please say “Hi”. Are you ready?

Ss: Yes.

T : Let’s go.

(The last picture is the picture of story time in Unit 7.)

T: Look, the children are having a picnic in a park. How many children? Who are they?

Ss: Five,.

She’s Su Hai/Yang Ling, he’s Wang Bing/Liu Tao.

3Story time

1Task 1Listen and answer

T: Yes, Su Hai and her friends are having a picnic, at this time, a new friend is coming, who’s the new friend? Let’s listen and answer the question.T plays the recording of  Story time A

Ss: She’s Helen.

T: Yes, she’s Helen, Helen is Mike’s sister, and she’s our new friend, so what can we say?

Ss try to say “Nice to meet you, Helen.”.

T teaches : Nice to meet you.

Ss learns it.

T tells Ss its answer is “Nice to meet you, too.” , and then say something about “Nice to see you.” and their difference.

2Task 2 Listen and find

T: There are 6 children having a picnic now, Look, they have some food, now let’s listen to the story and find the food which are mentioned in the dialogue.

Ss: pie ,cake

T: Yes, we heard “pie” andcake”,but  what would Helen like? Let’s watch the cartoon and answer the question.

Question: What would Helen like?

Ss: Helen would like a cake.

 (3) Task 3 Read and find

T: Yes, Helen would like a cake, how do you know, where can you get the answer, let’s open our books, read the story and find the answer. Here are two simple questions, Question 1 is “How they offer Helen food?” ,Question 2 is “How does Helen answer?”,


T:  First let’s come to Question 1, what does Su Hai/Yang Ling say?

Ss:1Would you like a pie?

   2What about a cake?

T teaches the sentence patterns

Ss learns them.

T: How do we use the sentences?

Ss try to talk about it.

T shows the tips.


 1、当你问别人是否想要某物时可以用:Would you like…?

2 What about…?这是常用的一句口语。这个句子一般情况下是不单独使用的,一定得有上文的,在述说了某一事情之后,转向另一事物时,才用到这一句式。用于向对方提出建议或请求和征询对方的看法或意见等。

T: I think Su Hai and Yang Ling are very kind, they offer Helen some food, but what does Helen say?

Ss:1No, thank you.

   2Yes, please.

T teaches the sentence patterns

Ss learns them.

T: How do we use the sentences?

Ss try to talk about it.

T shows the tips.


1、当你想要拒绝对方提供的物品时,你应该说 No, thank you. 

2、当你想要接受对方提供的物品时,你应该说 Yes, please.

4Reading time

(1) Task 1Read and imitate

T: OK, we have learned the whole story, so it’s our reading time, first let’s read and imitate, pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation.

Ss try to imitate the pronunciation and intonation

(2) Task 2 Read together

T: Well done .Now let’s read together.

Ss read together.

(3) Task 3Read and retell in roles

T: OK, you’re not bad, let’s retell the story and read in roles. Work in 6.

T shows the story , but the new sentences are missing.

Ss retell the story and act out the story in group of 6.

5Enjoy time

T: Yes, all of you can get a star, the children share the food, and then enjoy a story together, do you want to know what the story is? Haha, the story is “The city mouse and the country mouse”, it’s very interesting, let’s enjoy with the children.

Ss watch the cartoon of the story.

T: From the story, we can know the city mouse is very hospitality, he offered the country mouse so many food, but unlucky the cat came, so they ran away and hid, but do you still remember, what did the city mouse offer the country mouse?

Ss: Hot dog, pie, cake

6 Act time

T: Let’s be a hospitality person too, your classmates will visit you with their friends on Sunday, what can you do? What can you say? Please make up a dialogue with your partners, you can leave your seats and find your ideal partners. you can use the sentences and the words.

Ss do it.


 Hello /Hi/Good morning/afternoon/…

 Hello/ Hi/Good morning/afternoon/…

 Nice to see you.

 Nice to see you, too.

Would you like a …?

 Yes, please./ No, thank you.

What about …?

Yes, please./ No, thank you.



Step 3 Consolidation

1Share and summary

T:Are you happy this day?

Ss: Yes.

T: Yes, happiness is to be with friends and share with friends, right? Let’s remember it.

T: In this lesson, what have we known? Who can try? It’s time for us to share our knowledge.

Ss try to do it.

T: Yes, many of you did well, let’s summary it.

Eg:1When you meet somebody at the first time, you can say:  Nice to meet you.

   2If you want to offer people food or other things, you can say: What would you like?/What about…?

   3If you want to accept somebody’s offer, you can say: Yes, please.

   4If you want to refuse somebody’s offer, you can say: No, thank you.

2Self-examination and tick

T: At last please take out your sheet, and tell me how many stars you can get?


       Ticking time




I can understand ,

read and act the story.





I can say some words about food.





I can try to offer people food  in English.





Step 4 Homework:

1. ‘Story time’ on page 44(三选一).

A. Can read fluently.能够熟读。(一星)

B. Can recite.能够背诵。(二星)

C. Can perform.能够表演。(三星)

2. Invite your friends to your home, and entertain them in English .



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