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《 Seeing the doctor》-胥志莺(2021年校级)
发布时间:2021-06-25   点击:   来源:原创   录入者:王玉璠

译林英语五下Unit4 Seeing the doctor(拓展阅读)

教材分析:本课是基于译林小学英语五下U4 Seeing the doctor主题的拓展阅读课,以Sophie去医院体检为主要情境展开教学,引导学生养成良好习惯,提升健康意识。

教学目标:1. 听懂、会读、会说单词heartbeatlungs等;

2. 正确理解文章内容,且根据不同的情况给予合理性建议;

3. 培养学生初步的阅读策略,引导学生在读的过程中学会分析、归纳等;

4. 培养学生自护意识,促进身体健康成长。

Step1: Pre-reading

1. Do the quiz: 

Always            Usually         Sometimes        Never   

I ______brush my teeth twice a day.

I ______drink warm water after class.

I ______go to bed early and get up early.

I ______wash my hands before meals. ...

(18~13 stars: Great    12~7 stars: Good    Under 7 stars: poor)

Q: What is the quiz about?  A. Timetable  B. Health  C. Hobbies

2. Discuss and say

T: Today we will talk about Health, how to keep healthy?

Ss: We can/ cant/ should / shouldnt...

T: We have many ways to keep healthy. And we can also do health checkup regularly.    


Step2: While reading

1. Do a survey

T: Did you have hospital health checkup?/ Do you have health checkup in school? What does the health checkup include?


Today Sophie and her teddy go to the hospital and do the checkup. Please listen and tick: What items do they check? ( Height/ Weight/ Temperature/ Heartbeat/ Lungs)

2. Read and find

T: Who helps Sophie do the checkup? They are the nurse and the doctor.

What does the nurse check? Please read P5-6 and underline the key phrases.

Ss: takes my temperatureweighs me on a scale and measure how much I have grown

Then act it out , T will provide some useful sentences:

e.g) T: Hello, Im Nurse Kan.

   S: Hello, Im Sophie.

 T: Please come here and let me take your temperature.

S: All right.

T: OK, its good. Now please stand still on the scale.

S: OK.

T: You are...cm and ...kg. You have a good body.

(Use the same way to learn P7~P10.)


3. Think and discuss

T: So whats the conclusion of this health checkup? She is doing a great job growing up. It means...

Ss: She is very healthy./ She has a good body...

T: Yes, and Doctor Harrison also gives some advice about staying healthy. Whats your idea?

 Ss: To stay healthy, Sophie should...

T: What about the doctor? Lets have a look.

4. Listen and read

5. Think and discuss: Q: Why should we do health check up?

Step3: Post reading

1. Think and write.

T: Today we knew a lot about Health, how to live in a healthy life? Please think and write, you can choose two or three aspects to share your ideas.


2. Enjoy a video: Apple Health

Step4: Homework

1. Try to read more picture books about Health.

2. Try to do health checkup and take good care of your body.  



译林小学英语五下Unit4 Seeing the doctor拓展阅读反思

《新课标》要求“教师合理利用和积极开发课程资源,给学生提供贴近实际、贴近生活、贴近时代的内容健康和丰富的课程资源”。程晓堂教授也认为课外读物新鲜、有趣,如能将教材和课外阅读二者有机地结合起来,应该是目前最好的选择了。这节主题拓展阅读课,以Sophie去医院体检为主要情境展开教学,引导学生养成良好习惯,提升健康意识。教学目标如下:1. 听懂、会读、会说单词heartbeatlungs等;2.正确理解文章内容,且根据不同的情况给予合理的建议;3.培养学生初步的阅读策略,引导学生在读的过程中学会分析、归纳等;4.培养学生自护意识,促进身体健康成长。


1. 阅读前唤醒知识储备,激发阅读兴趣

小学生有很强的好奇心,他们喜欢接触新鲜事物,喜欢获得新鲜知识。如果课外阅读能让学生学到新知识,就能保持他们的阅读兴趣。所以虽然有很多关于“看病”的绘本或故事,我们依然选择了“体检”这一个难度较大的文本。首先以QUIZ导入快速进入本课主题Health,在让学生发散思维给出建议的同时又悄然渗透保持健康、远离疾病和平时的日常作息、饮食习惯等是息息相关的。而Quick Survey环节既使学生初步了解阅读材料背景,熟悉文中新词,又持续调动学习积极性。

2. 阅读中深度解析文本,理清主体脉络


3. 阅读后运用语言材料,提升语用能力

为了巩固学生对阅读材料的理解和对语言的运用,教师既可与学生展开交流、对话等,也可在此基础上开展写话练习,延续和补充文本内容。“定期体检”其实也是为“健康生活”服务,在最后Think and write环节,老师抛出“How to live in a healthy life?”这一话题,鼓励学生写作,帮助学生将故事中的体检知识与自己原有的生活经验建立联系,培养他们的语用能力和思维能力。

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